The beach is a beautiful, fun activity BUT does require a little bit of prep if you have young ones in tow….it’s no longer grab the towel and sunscreen…
Set out below are some beach hacks for holidaying families:
1. Sunscreen Before You Go
This is a game changer. I learned this one the hard way. Sunscreen everybody before you go to allow the sunscreen to soak in – that way when you hit the sand you are ready to go. Take some sunscreen with you to top up once you’re there. Thoroughly recommend rashies on everyone as well.
2. Shade Shelter
Once at the beach a shade cover is also really good. It gives you more sun protection and also provides a base for your family to put all your gear. Our tip is to make sure your sun shelter is easily identifiable for your kids so they can find it on the beach. It can be a little overwhelming for little ones amongst the many shelters to know which is yours. A simple flag or ribbon on yours will do the job.
3. Disguise Your Valuables
This is always a tricky one at the beach. You generally have your keys, some money, sunglasses & phone with you and where to put them? Hide them in a shoe? A good way to reduce the risk of someone taking your valuables is to disguise them in your beach bag – whether it is in an empty chip packet, unused nappy or old sunscreen container. You just want to deter potential thieves.
4. Powder
We take this with us every beach trip now. Sprinkle some powder on the sandy areas (mainly feet & legs) and it will absorb the moisture and allow you to brush off the sand easily. No scratchy sand.
5. Wet Clothes Satchel
These are great and not expensive. We picked up one for $8 at a department store just before Christmas and it’s been a wonderful addition. After the beach, pack all your wet togs & rashies into this to allow everything else to remain dry.
6. Water
I don’t know about you, but our kids seem incredibly thirsty when they leave the beach. Take some drink bottles with you. Not only are they good for drinking but good for rinsing sandy hands or eyes if they need it. A great idea is to freeze them the night before so they are extra cold by the time they drink them after the beach.
7. Backpacks
If your children are old enough to carry their own backpack – get them to pack and carry their own gear to and from the beach. We’re talking towel, hat, dry clothes and water bottle. It helps give them a little more independence and saves you carrying around a beach bag the size of a suitcase!
The beach is magical and your trip with the family can be too. Enjoy!